EuroIA: From Barcelona 2007 to Amsterdam 2008

After two days hearing our colleagues speaking about information architecture, I am surprised of the conference level.

It is not a review, I am sorry I think it is my fault. I have to say that I didn’t know anything about Euro IA before, and I expected more than I finally learnt.

Jorge Marquez Blogger say, the best symposium was Core and Paths: Designing from the Inside Out by Are Halland from Netlife Research

Are Halland explained an obviously true. Nowadays the main page it is not the HomePage, it is the content page. Search engines and RSS go directly to the content…

I hope that in Amsterdam 2008 Spanish IA will increase his participation and increase the level of the conference

I recommend reading other EuroIA reviews like:

Jorge Marquez

Sergio Gago

Tomy Lorch


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